Shri Kailash Solar strictly complies to privacy issues on the internet. All the details that you share with us are safe and we treat the information with utmost care.
You can browse about our services without revealing your identity. Our servers do not collect domain names, and email addresses from our visitors. The information that we do use for our analytics will include the number of new visitors, average time spent on the site, channels through which we get our visitors, and the like. This information is taken to optimize our website with relevant content. You spending time on our website by default signifies your consent to access your domain name for our reference.
However, at times, we might intimate you to provide your names and addresses but we will provide full information on how it is going to utilized by Kailash Solar. Usually, we use this information to proceed with your inquiry, process your order, or to provide our information and announcements.
Sometimes, we suggest your information to organizations based on your interests and services that we think might attract you. You always have the right to limit the access of your information, and we will stop to spread your information for the service mentioned earlier.
In the case of you registering or signing up on our website, we use a unique id for each of our customers to identify your information to support your needs. For returning customers, we keep a hold of the website cookies that will have your information stored and the internet recognizes you. Registering with us will imply your consent to use the cookies.
In case of online surveys, we will inform you about us using your information to get a better understanding of our customers’ holistic approach. We can assure you that you are not obligated to provide your personal information with us and whatever you provide is given with your full consent. We are also not obligated to verify the source of your information unless you can provide a detailed complaint within a period of 30 days of the incident with appropriate evidence to prove your point.
You can get in touch through our helpline in case of any discrepancies and our team will get back to you with a feasible solution.